Sunday, September 25, 2016

Days 55 - 80

My coding group has ended! : (

     So I was part of a free coding bootcamp that was starting to do some cool projects.  There were 8 or so students all talking on slack.  Assignment 6 was to make a text-based game and I think it slowed down a lot of students (myself included).  The assignment wasn't that hard concept-wise, but I kept wanting to add functionality to my basic game plot and it took a long time to code.  Anyways, before I had time to finish the assignment, a new task was assigned involving API's and react.  People in my group became less active/talkative on slack and the last message I see from anyone was 2 weeks ago!

     The experience has reinforced in my mind the need to code every day in order to maintain momentum so along with my bi-monthly status updates, I will start keeping a consecutive coding day streak counter to keep me focused.  The streak counter FreeCodeCamp uses was a great motivator in making me code every day so why not continue the tradition by myself.  Actually, that will be a good easy project to code now that I think of it.  Anyways, my plan for today is to finish my coding of the game (Assignment 6) so that I can share it, and go deeper into Assignment 7.