Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Days 42 - 54

     Time flies!  Over the past couple of weeks I haven't had as much time as I would like to spend coding but I've been working on a few projects. 

     First, I worked on a clone of cactomain.co. For this clone, my teacher at the bootcamp recommended I try not to use bootstrap at all.  He provided a great link https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/dist/css/bootstrap.css which is the source code for bootstrap and shows the normal CSS way of styling what the bootstrap classes do. Another resource I came across while working on this assignment was http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_layout.asp   which outlines layout techniques for html.  I started with float and clear properties but the result wasn't responsive like the original website so I  decided to experiment with flexbox.

     While working on the clone (still have some work to do!), a new assignment, #5,  was sent to students.  This assignment consisted of basic algorithm javascript problems from CodeWars.  In addition to the CodeWars problems, my teacher also gave students the following problem:  Write a function that takes in an array of numbers and a target number, and returns true if the array contains the number and false if it does not. My teacher introduced me to Jsbin.com which is a great Javascript sandbox to test code.  The CodeWars Katas consist of the following:  Double Char, Even or Odd, Count by x, Sum of positive, and any 2 other problems of the student's choosing.  Of all the assignments given by the bootcamp, I completed this one in the least amount of time. 

     The last assignment given by the bootcamp was to build a text-based browser game.  The game will consist of a console where the user can enter designated commands that will further the storyline of the game.  The user will have to collect items as they advance through the game that will be added to their inventory to be used at later parts of the game (EX: keys to open doors).  As of right now, I have the basic functionality together which is combining HTML, Javascript, CSS and jQuery.  I will be working today to finish this assignment.

     Anyways, thought it'd be a good idea to update the blog.  According to my instructor, the next assignment will be the first bit of real world professional coding and will use a lot of new technologies like Node, Git, npm, express, and building a web app with an API. First I need to finish my game!  Happy coding!

Hours Spent Coding During This Blog Entry:9.5
Total Hours Coding:108

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