Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Day 40 & 41

     The past couple of days I've been working on the website clone for Assignment 3 of the bootcamp.  In total, I've spent 10.5 hours on it.  It took a lot longer than I thought it would, but I told myself going in that I was going to figure out as much of the coding as possible by myself before using Chrome's Inspect Element Dev Tools.  In the process, I have learned/practiced the following: static/fixed position navigation bar, social media icons, linking images to local files, a lot of CSS, hover properties, positioning elements with Bootstrap's Gridmode, styling, buttons, and in-line elements.  I also spent a lot of time trying to get a sliding picture carousel to work with some success but it was taking too much time so I'll be working on getting it just right tomorrow when I allow myself to inspect elements.  I also read a little more of Eloquent Javascript.

     We received a new assignment from the bootcamp today, which is to make another clone of a different website.  The new website is a little more difficult than the first but my goal is to finish it faster than the first!  The new assignment is due on the 21st so I have a few days to complete it but I want to finish it ahead of schedule this time. I'll be posting codepens of my code once the clones are complete.  I've learned a lot the past few days but I know I'm just scratching the surface.....  I can't wait until we start making programs!

Hours Spent Coding During This Blog Entry:10.5
Total Hours Coding:98.5

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