Friday, August 12, 2016

Days 35 & 36

     Over the past couple of days, I have completed the "Make a Website" and "Make an Interactive Website" courses at codecademy.  I learned about Events ("Write code so that user actions (eg. clicking a mouse or pressing a key) make things happen on the page"), DOM Manipulation ("Use JQuery to allow user actions to modify and add HTML elements"), and Effects ("Use JQuery to present your site's content with fancy effects").  My favorite part of this learning experience has been using Javascript to write event handlers that modify the HTML.  Here is an example of an event handler which cycles through some slides on a carousel by fading in and out of the displayed picture whenever the user clicks an arrow with the class ".arrow-next"

     Today, our main teacher for the Learn.Js Bootcamp, Mikael, asked students for examples of websites we thought were well designed so that we'd have examples to go over next week.  Here is what some of my peers came up with:

     All of the above sites are quite impressive and are great motivation to continue down this rabbit hole of coding and learning.

     No new assignments yet so I might start looking into the "Learn Sass" course on codecademy.  Mikel mentioned it was not required but would be good to know as a bonus.  We will be abandoning codecademy after this so I might as well get what I can from it because who knows when/if I'll ever make my way back to codecademy lessons.  Stay tuned!

Hours Spent Coding During This Blog Entry:6
Total Hours Coding:81

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