Today I decided to start a blog chronicling my development as a coder. This will help keep me focused and accountable towards my goals of learning about web and app development. It will also help me keep track of the time I have spent learning to code and what I have picked up along the way.
A good place to start seems to detail what I've achieved so far and what I'm working towards. I started coding in earnest on July, 6, 2016 and since then have coded every day for a total of 31 days. Most of this coding has been focused on advancing through the Free Code Camp curriculum. I have also started reading "Eloquent JavaScript" by Marijn Haverbeke, gone to an Austin,TX FreeCodeCamp meetup in order to network with like minded people, and signed up for account on GitHub, Codepen, Codecademy and CodeWars.
Through the FreeCodeCamp meetup I heard about a new code boot camp that was about to start so I applied and was accepted. This seems like the perfect opportunity for me because not only will it allow me to develop my skills with an experienced instructor(s), it is free! Coding boot camps seem like such a great option for learning these skills but I was hesitant to sign up for one because I am so new to this world. Today is the official first day of the first class of the Learn.Js Bootcamp and I couldn't be more excited!
The Learn.JS Bootcamp is a remote immersive 20hr per week three-month program that will teach me how make websites, text-based games, and full-scale applications. It was put together by Jon McEwen and is sponsored by Mikael Carpenter. The first class of the Learn.Js Bootcamp which I am a part of consists of 7 students. Today we all signed up to Slack for communication, were given our first assignments on Codecademy, and told to get Github and Codepen accounts in addition to a Text Editor (Atom was recommended but I'ma stick with Sublime Text for now). I am so excited to be part of an eager team of future developers working together under the guidance of experienced coders. The class will teach us the basics, and the n work towards building an application with React Native. "Along the way, we’ll learn Rails, version control, and dive into the subtleties of JavaScript. For our smaller projects, we’ll be building websites and text-based games."
From the website: "For the first half of the bootcamp, we’ll work through the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (Think Sass, Bootstrap, jQuery, Closures, Promises, and More). For the second half of the program, we’ll cover more advanced topics such as version control, databases, and RESTful APIs. We’ll also spice things up with some Ruby for the backend. The bootcamp will conclude with a deep dive into ReactJS and its related technologies."
Well, that is all for this blog entry. More great things to come!
LearnJS Bootcamp Status (starts 8/8/2016)
Week 1: Basic HTML/CSS & Javascript In Progress
Week 1: Basic HTML/CSS & Javascript In Progress
Codecademy: Introduction to Javascript 61% Complete
Codecademy: Make a Website 81% Complete
Books: Status
"Eloquent Javascript" by Marijn Haverbeke 11% Complete
"Eloquent Javascript" by Marijn Haverbeke 11% Complete
Free Code Camp (FCC) Status
1. Get Started with Free Code Camp Complete
2. HTML5 and CSS Complete
3. Responsive Design with Bootstrap Complete
4. Gear up for Success 75% Complete
5. jQuery Complete
6. Basic Front End Development Projects 33% Complete
7. Basic JavaScript Complete
8. Object Oriented and Functional Programming Complete
9. Basic Algorithm Scripting Complete
10. JSON API's and Ajax Complete
11. Intermediate Front End Development Projects 0% Complete
5. jQuery Complete
6. Basic Front End Development Projects 33% Complete
7. Basic JavaScript Complete
8. Object Oriented and Functional Programming Complete
9. Basic Algorithm Scripting Complete
10. JSON API's and Ajax Complete
11. Intermediate Front End Development Projects 0% Complete
12. Intermediate Algorithm Scripting 42% Complete
13. Advanced Front End Development Projects Incomplete
14. Claim Your Front End Development Certificate Incomplete
Other: Status
CodeWars Rank: 6kyu
Honor: 36
Honor Position: #31795/64%
My Web Dev Portfolio: In Progress
CodePen Projects:
GitHub Projects:
LinkedIn Profile: In Progress
Free Code Camp Profile:
Free Code Camp Profile:
Hours Spent Coding During This Blog Entry:??
Total Hours Coding: ???
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